Virtual Integration
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We do virtually everything you need to launch your e-business. And we can have you up and selling in about 30 days!

Now it's even easier for busy merchants who know that opening an e-business can grow sales and increase profits, but don't have the time or expertise to design and build a web site for results. Let our team of e-business experts get your web store ready to launch in about 30 days.

We have e-business systems from the very simple to the most advanced; the budget conscious to the high-end sophisticated solutions. With our rich feature set, you won't outgrow our catalog software.

You can setup your own online store for as low as $890*. (*Price can vary depending on your needs)

:: List of features:

1. Shopper Features
Running Cart Total: Lets customers keep track of their order with a cart summary on every page.

2. Customer Address Book:
Shoppers can store an unlimited number of addresses in a personal address book. We make it easy for shoppers every step of the way.

3. Multiple Shipping Addresses:
Just like it sounds. A customer can do holiday shopping and send gifts to multiple people within in a single order.

4. E-Mail A Friend:
Drive site traffic by giving shoppers the ability to e-mail product information to a friend or associate.

5. Simple/Advanced Search:
Let shoppers search for items from any page. A great feature!

6. Gift Certificates:
StoreFront allows web stores to accept gift certificates as payment. Any leftover amount can be saved for later.

7. Customer Specific Pricing:
Allows merchants to set up multiple tiered pricing specific to classes of customers, allowing "frequent shopper" programs or multi-level distribution systems.

8. Transactions and Management Real-Time Shipping Rates:
Accurately manage shipping charges directly from UPS, FedEx and USPS rate servers.

9. Real-time credit card validation and processing:
Storefront has built-in integration with most of the leading merchant account and gateway service providers (including Wells Fargo Secure Source, PayPal, Authorize.Net, Cardservice International, E-Commerce Exchange, Planet Payment, PSiGate, SecurePay, Verisign and Worldpay. Our new integrations are SureFire FirePay, Barclays, Bank of America, IONGATE, and CyberSource*) so that you can enable your store for real-time credit card validation and processing. (*Need to sign up separately with any of these services)

10. 3rd Tax Tier:
Local tax region options can be added to the basic state/province and country tax.

11. Multiple Payment Options:
Accept electronic checks, purchase orders, COD, credit card, phone/fax orders, and Internet Cash.

12. Integrated Download Delivery:
Offer automated delivery of "soft goods", such as e-books, music, software, graphics, etc. Specify when the download is made available and for how long.

:: Product Management

13. Unlimited Subcategories:
Build unlimited levels of categories and subcategories so you can easily manage products.

14. Weight Sensitive Product Attributes:
Shipping costs get under control with accurate rates based on the actual weight of a product. That means a vendor who sells coffee in 12 oz, 3 lb, and 5 LB sizes can specify the weight difference for each size option, making his real-time shipping rates more precise.
Fully catalog all product options, such as size, style and color, using Storefront?s support for unlimited, price sensitive product attributes.

15. Customer Defined Attributes:
Provide shoppers with a field to input product specific special instructions or information. This is a powerful feature for merchants who offer personalized merchandise, such as engraved rocks, jewelry, etc.

16. Inventory Tracking:
Advanced inventory tracking features allow you to keep track of inventory and communicate that to customers. Allow or disallow backorders, display quantity in stock on product pages, receive e-mail notification of low stock levels and more.

:: Merchandising

17. Sales Report:
Monitor sales activity using detailed sales reporting tools. Generate sales summary, sales detail and product sales reports.

18. Order Fulfillment:
Retailers can manage incoming orders with StoreFront's order fulfillment tools. They can keep track of which orders have been paid and/or shipped, print packing slips, and enter shipping tracking numbers.

19. Customer Management:
Utilize Storefront?s advanced reporting tools to manage sales and customer records. Print e-checks, invoices, sales and product summaries and credit card transaction reports.

20. Web Based Merchant Tools:
Merchant Tools enable you to manage you store(s) remotely through your web browser. With merchant tools, we can hand off store administration, sales reporting, product management, promotional functions, and other day-to-day management functions to you, the merchant.

:: Marketing and Promotions

21. Suggested Selling:
The easiest time to add on a sale is when a customer is buying. With suggested selling you can link add-on products to customers' choices several times during the buying process. For example, related items can appear at the bottom of a catalogue page or a pop-up box can come up after clicking on "Buy."

:: For example, our E-Business Complete solution includes:

Web Store Design
Professional web store design from an e-business design expert. Your web design includes:

Design Consultation and Application
Setup of Dynamic Catalog and Product Pages Creation and Installation of a Custom Banner and Buttons Creation of Up to 3 Custom Pages

Business Rules Set Up
Our team will implement your business rules and general settings, allowing you to operate your web store according to your business model. This service includes the application of:

Local tax rates
Shipping with carriers such as FedEX, UPS and more Automated e-mail confirmations on orders Configuration of integrated LivePerson service Payment processors (including payment gateway) Localization (taxes, shipping sources, and currency conversion)

Product Merchandising
One of our e-commerce professionals will quickly add 10 products to your web store inventory. This service includes:

Creation of categories and sub categories as well as insert products and attributes
Association of vendors or manufacturers with the appropriate products
Insert short and long product descriptions
Application of product specific weights and rules for shipping
And more...

ALL our e-business solutions are designed for results...more leads...more conversions...more sales...more profits.

Why re-invent the wheel? We have the perfect marriage of style and functionality.

Launch your online store quickly, painlessly and with a professional look. Our web graphics professionals will work with you to design the look that?s right for your business and get it online in a hurry. No need for you to sit at your computer late at night. Leave the designing to us. We Build Results!

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